Trauma Response, Common Symptoms and link to Shiatsu

Trauma Response, Common Symptoms and link to Shiatsu

Trauma Response Common Symptoms Shiatsu Meridians
Fight or Flight Hyper-Vigilance, Fatigue, Hyperactivity, Anxiety, Fears, Phobias Kidney
Freeze Freezing or Locking or Numbness in the Body Gall Bladder, Liver, Heart Protector, Triple Heater
Dissociation Looking or feeling detached from life, inability to access emotions, relationship difficulties Heart
Grief Inability to let go of the past, Compulsive behaviour Lung, Large Intestine
Undischarged Energy Aggressive/violent behaviour, inappropriate sexual behaviour Liver
Discharging of energy Shaking/trembling/restless legs etc, crying/sobbing Liver

Table adapted by kind permission of Clifford Andrews MRSS(T).