Fit for Funding

Fit for Funding Training – Day 2

Monday 25th November 2013, 09:00-12:00


Fit for Funding is a series of training days over three Mondays at the Norwich Wellbeing Centre starting from November 11th. The aim is to is help charities and non-profit organisations to secure funding with grant applications.

This training is needed in Norfolk because there is a disconnect between the important work that BME groups do and their ability to convince funders to support their work.

The BME groups that Voluntary Norfolk works with tell them that groups want Voluntary Norfolk’s help and that:

  • Their top priority is securing funding
  • There are cultural differences between the sector here and elsewhere English is not their first language so it can be difficult to explain their proposals
  • They feel funders are setting ‘lots of hoops to jump through’
  • They can struggle with written applications
  • They feel funders are not particularly supportive
  • They have experienced ‘knock backs’ with previous applications to local funders

Now, thanks to financial assistance from the Norfolk Community Foundation, Voluntary Norfolk has this special service designed to help BME groups to gain greater success with funding applications.

Fit for Funding will provide:

  • The services of an experienced development worker offering time and dedicated support
  • Three full-day training events (tailored to BME groups), handouts and materials
  • Regular advice surgeries throughout Norfolk
  • Internet research on behalf of organisations and the use of written and on-line resources
  • Assisted ‘Find a funder’ software searches

This scheme is open to groups across all the areas of the county where Voluntary Norfolk works and will run until March 2014.