NWC Participatory Design Workshops

Participatory Design Workshop

Thursday 9th April 2015, 08:00-13:00


We’re currently looking into renovating our courtyard garden into an art and therapy garden. To make sure that we are designing it in the right way that will help the most people, we are organising participatory design workshops to help develop the design of the garden. Attendees will work through guided tasks to give individual input on the unique creation and management of a garden space that is tailored to health, therapy, and wellbeing.

Why we’re doing this

Making the courtyard garden into an art and therapy garden will allow people living with a disability to access training, counselling and therapy, as well as provide a space for occupational therapy such as art or music therapy.

Having as many voices as possible contribute to the design will help us make sure that the garden is accessible to everyone, and give you a voice in how you can access healthcare and therapy.

Who should attend

Individuals and organisations working in the field of healthcare and wellbeing, statutory and larger organisations in the healthcare sector, smaller local charities and voluntary groups working in the healthcare sector, community groups, counsellors, therapists, carers, volunteers.

How to book a place

We are taking bookings on eventbrite. You can book for the Thursday 9th April here, or you can book the Wednesday 15th workshop here.

Main Facilitator

Adam Carthy – Landscape Designer at Urban Synthesis