How to help perople with post-natal depression

Women’s Equality Party – How can we help people with post-natal depression?

Wednesday 19th October 2016, 19:00-21:00

Contributions welcome

Speakers include:

  • Naomi Farrow, mother of three, gives her personal account of postnatal depression and her remarkable journey of recovery
  • Naomi also discusses Get Me Out The Four Walls, an exciting new project she has set up, (recently featured on Look East) which provides a chance for mothers in Norfolk to get out and meet other mothers and their preschool children in a variety of settings, as well as some funded treatment for sufferers of PND and two Facebook groups to join.
  • Sue Bayliss, holistic psychotherapist, coach, trainer and wellbeing consultant, who is allied to GMOT4W and experienced in helping people deal with postnatal depression. Sue will talk about the personal and societal causes of and issues associated with PND and what works to overcome it.

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WE Raffle and refreshments available!

Contributions welcomed to the cost of the venue and refreshments