Here we have a range of articles and advice by our therapists and instructors, as well as news about the Norwich Wellbeing Centre.
We have opened again after the lockdown with extra safety precautions in place. This is a difficult time, with constantly changing advice and guidelines. This is also an old building not planned for social distancing and so we are continuing to test and improve our safety precautions. Please be patient with us as we open […]
Learn how to improve your energy, your grounding, and your sense of calm. These classes contain aspects of Body Mechanics, Qi Gong, and Tai Chi and provide you with individually tailored exercises for home working. The class runs on Thursdays 6:15pm – 7:15pm, and commence January 2019. The cost is £85 for the 10 hour […]
The Bowen Therapy is a drug-free, non-invasive, hands-on therapy which can be administered through light clothing, with the client sitting, lying or standing. Using only fingers and thumbs, the Bowen practitioner makes small, rolling movements over muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue at precise points on the body. One of the most profound effects Bowen […]
“You are more than you know” I remember someone who remains very dear to my heart, telling me this once. It immediately brought tears to my eyes for somehow, some part of me recognised a long buried truth in that. And perhaps, a ‘long resisted’ truth too. I believe it’s true for everyone, that we […]
Parkinson’s awareness week : 18th – 24th April 2016 Bowen Therapy awareness week : 12th – 18th April 2016 The overlap of Parkinson’s and Bowen Therapy Awareness Weeks gave me the idea to choose Parkinson’s as my ‘Awareness Subject’. My professional association (Bowen Association UK) asked individual therapists to get out there in the community to bring […]