A journey through financial freedom Money is one of the biggest causes of arguments, it can tear families apart, it has the power to destroy businesses and it can literally bring the collapse of a country’s people. And at the same time it can bring joy, it can instantly change our world and it has […]
How to use the untapped wisdom of the colours in your home to transform your life with International Colour Specialist Mark Wentworth No matter how big or how small the space, every person has a wish to create home, there is no other physical space where we express our defeats and desires in life more […]
Weight-watching for the Soul With Mark Wentworth Join me on this transformative workshop using the hidden language of colour to explore, to change and to liberate the unconscious messages behind those extra pounds and kilos. The Benefits of “Colour Yourself Slim” are: What you eat becomes a choice rather than a craving or a need, […]
Healing the Family Tree with Colour PsychoDynamics A journey to the past, present and future generations Presented by Mark Wentworth All those who have gone before us play a part in making us who we are today. Deep in our subconscious we carry the collective story of our family’s history. If you are having problems with: […]
Colour in every form, be it clothing, décor or healing says something about who and where we are on life’s journey. Did you know for example, that yellow in a bedroom can lead to sleepless nights, yet the same colour in a study can help with memory? Single and wanting a partner? – Colour can […]
Colour in its healing context could best be described as a sign language of the soul; by its very presence or absence we communicate our hopes and dreams or even lack of them through the visible rainbow spectrum. By becoming colour conscious we engage with life itself, when we actively focus on and introduce specific […]