“Whether you suffer with chronic pain or illness, treat those who suffer, or care for a loved one who does, the Breathworks methods could radically change your life for the better” Professor Lance McCracken, King’s College London and INPUT Pain Management Centre The Breathworks Mindfulness for Health course can teach you mindfulness skills to help […]
The free Mindfulness for Health Taster session will give you an insight into the full eight week course. “Whether you suffer with chronic pain or illness, treat those who suffer, or care for a loved one who does, the Breathworks methods could radically change your life for the better” Professor Lance McCracken, King’s College London […]
Camilla Vancooten gave a talk entitled ‘Sugar Blues (the effect of sugar) to a packed room of women discussing the negative effects of sugar and highlighting how the normal foods of today and the average buying habits are having a long-term terrible effect on our health.