Embodied-Relational Therapy (ERT) is an holistic integrative approach which emerged primarily from the body psychotherapy tradition and now works at the meeting place of relational, process and body psychotherapy. It focuses on two facts about human beings: we are embodied and in relationship. To be alive we need to be a body, to be alive we […]
A Holistic, NLP based approach to alleviate fear and lift the mood. A talk / workshop by Sue Bayliss, www.sulisconsulting.com What if you could feel more confident and positive in your life? Come and find out: How to understand the physiology of fear and change it quickly. How to stop running internal disaster movies and replace them with positive outcomes. How to connect more easily to other people. How to let go of the limiting beliefs that underly anxiety and depression. How to change your body by breathing more deeply and grounding yourself which causes your thoughts to change naturally. How to let go of a negative internal voice and instead tune in to helpful mentors. How to tap into a variety of resources to help you deal with life’s challenges. One of my clients writes: The whole experience (therapy […]
Hakim Archuletta, an Islamic world-renowned health and wellbeing expert, gave a talk entitled ‘The more than physical, emotional and spiritual – how all things take part in health’. The talk included breathing techniques and discussion about how the way in which we approach a person directly affects that relationship and outcome and thus our wellbeing. […]