Gain Clarity of your needs, values, and limits Explore clear open & honest communication Cultivate Self-care & Self-compassion Experience techniques for healthy boundary setting Booking To ask any questions about the workshop or to book a place, contact Soo Strong on 07500 501294 or look at her website at
A day of sensitive enquiry through guided movement and bodywork, exploring how our relationship to body and earth can support us in each moment, with space for deep rest as well as embodied expression.
A journey of living from the heart and finding emotional freedom This one day workshop is a healing journey of letting go of old grief, pain or fear; a workshop that looks inside our emotional backpacks and lightens the load that we have been carrying around. A workshop that connects us to our hearts, our […]
There is much discussion around the topic of self-care, but we may ask -“Where do I start?” and “What does this look like in my day?” This introductory workshop, looks to address these questions and many more as we explore the practicalities of incorporating a supportive rhythm of self-care in our daily lives. Is it […]
If you are dealing with a relationship break-up, you may be: Struggling to accept that your relationship is over. Unsure how to rebuild your life. Under pressure to be okay from well-meaning friends and family. Desperate to start feeling hopeful about the future and clearer about what you want. Like anyone who’s feeling a bit […]
An exciting and fun exploration into the principles of Shiatsu, this very practical weekend is great for anyone curious about Shiatsu and energy work or for those of you already practising some form of therapeutic work and interested in broadening your skills. Explore the foundations of Shiatsu – Ki and Yin / Yang Enjoy sensing […]
Counting down the days until Christmas is over? Want to escape the shopping pressure and general madness? Stop the world and get off on Sat 20th December and enjoy and afternoon of contemplative yoga, pranayama and meditation practice as we experience the shortest day of the year and come together to reflect on the year […]
Tuesday 13th Jan Ashtanga Vinyasa foundation course. An introduction to this graceful, flowing yet dynamic and challenging form of yoga. The four week intro will start with a longer workshop to give you some background and history of the practice and a chance to ask questions as well as get started! The following weeks will […]
Purposely turning ourselves upside down is contrary to our human physical locomotion-nature and yet the benefits of upending ourselves are many. Inversions reintroduce us to our inner child and remind us that while yoga is a contemplative endeavour in many ways, the asana practice is also a time to be playful and light hearted! Inversions […]
Arm balances are invigorating poses that exemplify poise and stability. 
A 2 hour workshop that will include Yoga practice and technique sessions designed to make some of the more challenging arm balancing postures more approachable.