Person Centred Counselling

Person Centred Counselling

Person Centred Counselling is based on the idea that everyone is born with the ability to self-improve and achieve their potential. However, that ability is sometimes confused by your situation or how people regard you- people who don’t understand you, view you poorly or aren’t being honest with you can, without meaning to, twist the way you view yourself.

Because of this person centred counselling is based on three principles:

  • Empathy – the counsellor can put themselves in your place and understand your ideas and feelings
  • Unconditional Positive Regard – the counsellor always treats you positively but without adding their viewpoint, allowing your ability to self-improve to not be affected by others
  • Genuine – the counsellor doesn’t act or pretend to be someone else. They can share their experiences and  you can trust that they are not faking anything.

By allowing you to be yourself in an honest and open way, person centred counselling can help you self improve in terms of sociability, creativity, compassion and more.