Sunday 8th May 2016, 10:00-17:30
Healing the Family Tree with Colour PsychoDynamics
A journey to the past, present and future generations
Presented by Mark Wentworth
All those who have gone before us play a part in making us who we are today. Deep in our subconscious we carry the collective story of our family’s history.
If you are having problems with: health, money, relationships, or success then it is possible that you could be carrying and replaying some of the unfinished stories of your ancestors.
This workshop is about reconnecting with the never-ending source of healing, love and support available to you forever more. In the process of reconnection we become and provide the healing for those ancestors with unfinished stories.
Through Colour PsychoDynamics, Dynamic Theatre and storytelling we will begin the healing and liberating process from the unhelpful and unhealthy stories, hidden legacies, and invisible family loyalties, enabling a joy for living in the now, a hope for the future, and to live more fully the life YOU were born to live.
When we honour and listen to the distant voices from the past, we create stronger roots, securer foundations and experience a joy of living in the present, together with the excitement and potential of creating a happier and more fulfilling future for ourselves and our descendants.
Somewhere back in time someone hoped and prayed for someone just like you. You are the one they have been waiting for; You are the answer to their prayers.
“Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great.
You can be that generation”
Nelson Mandela
Time: 10.00am – 5.30pm
Location: Norwich Wellbeing Centre
Investment: £55 (payment by cheque or bank transfer)
Contact/Booking: or 07949 282 384
Mark Wentworth has been working with ancestral healing for many years, his work and training with Jungian Psychotherapist Dr Roger Woolger has been a great inspiration for developing ways of incorporating this ancient wisdom into his own colour healing work. Mark is the creator of Colour PsychoDynamics and The Colour Quest, both life-enhancing methods synthesising colour therapy with the collective and visionary worlds of C.G.Jung, Shamanism and Transpersonal based healing. Mark pioneered workshops in the late 90’s uniting colour with expressive arts and psychodrama techniques, giving colour, for the first time, not only a voice but also story and action.