Saturday 13th May 2017, 09:30-17:30
£85 (concessions available)
Systemic Constellations. The Family Systems approach is a powerful, profoundly moving yet gentle way of gaining greater understanding into ourselves and the issues that affect our lives.
Using Bert Hellinger’s insights and his method of creating a systemic ‘constellation’, we can see how hidden loyalties and entanglements within the family system can give rise to repeating patterns of suffering or loss that can sometimes continue to affect family members through many generations.
The experience of pulling back from attainment or success in life, of ‘not belonging’ or self-sabotaging behaviours such as addictions may be ways that we unconsciously re-create the difficult fate of others in our family, thereby connecting us through suffering. When such unconscious identifications are brought into awareness and fully understood in their right context, they may be transformed by this work into a life-enhancing resource, so that we can feel connected to our family systems by love.
Difficulties in relationships, whether in being able to give or receive love or to hold on to commitment, may have an origin in our earliest imprint of ‘relationship’ within our first family. Such blocks to the flow of love and the stability of relationships can cause incredible suffering to many people, however they respond well to and can be released by this supportive way of working which is both non-judgmental and inclusive.
Trauma affects individuals, and whole human systems, in particular ways. Psychological ‘splitting’ can occur as a defensive survival response. Professor Franz Ruppert integrates Hellinger’s insights and constellation method with his own understanding of the intra-psychic effects of trauma. Within a very safe holding environment, this approach can support a natural movement towards the healing integration of the aspects of ‘soul’ that have become separated by trauma.
The Facilitator. Anna is a registered clinical hypno-psychotherapist and teacher with specialist trainings in working with addictions, family systems and trauma. Her doctoral thesis was an exploration of individual, social and collective phenomena emerging from the experiences of belonging and not-belonging.
Send a completed booking form (available here) to the address provided.
For further information about these workshops contact: Anna Magee on 07917301336 or email: