Sunday 9th September 2018, 09:30-16:30
This workshop focuses on mind-body connection within the Lotus Neigong International syllabus, using Laogong and the Yin field of the hands to influence internal soft tissue. This stage of connection is an important landmark in Qigong, so it is worth spending a day working on the precise mechanisms of its development.
This is a practice suitable for intermediate Qigong practitioners and beyond, however if you have a skill in Mindfulness you are welcome to join. The day will involve standing, sitting and lying down, with regular breaks. Short lectures and hand-outs will be provided. Although Cindy has a serious approach to the depth of this work, she always makes humour an important part of the day.
Please call 01603 632555 or email Dinah for further info or to book. Cindy Engel is a highly experienced Qigong Teacher, to find out more about her visit