Saturday 1st December 2018, 10:00-19:00
£85 - concessions available
The Family Systems approach is a powerful, profoundly moving yet gentle way of gaining greater understanding into ourselves and the issues that affect our lives. Using Bert Hellinger’s insights and his method of creating a systemic ‘constellation’, we can see how hidden loyalties and entanglements within the family system can give rise to repeating patterns of suffering or loss that can sometimes continue to affect family members through many generations. The method is supported by embodied awareness and healing sentences which are offered to help release patterns of trauma and entanglement.
Anna is a UKCP registered psychotherapist and teacher with specialist trainings in working with addictions, family systems and trauma.
For further information about this workshop or to book contact Anna Magee on 07917301336 or email:
Spaces are limited, so early booking is advisable.