New Year, New You

New Year, New You

Saturday 18th February 2017, 14:00-16:00


Learn how to reach and maintain your personal goals this year by releasing the emotional or mental blocks that are holding you back.

Tapping or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a highly effective yet simple therapeutic technique. It works by tapping on Acupressure points and focusing on a problematic issue, to enable you to release lifelong negative emotional and mental patterns

In this introductory workshop you will learn: 

  • The basic Tapping Sequence
  • Tapping to reduce cravings – e.g. food / smoking
  • Tapping to reduce negative thinking patterns / boost energy levels

Open to beginners. Topics explored on the day will be made relevant to the participants.Pre-booking essential. For more information please contact Nicole on 07746 892693 or email her.