Simply for Health 101 - 2021-09-25

Simply for Health 101

Saturday 25th September 2021, 10:00-17:00


This is NOT a quick fix solution for fast temporary results, but a proven holistic approach to a healthier body, mind and spirit no matter where you are today.

  • Digestion: the Cornerstone of Nutrition
  • The Gut-Brain Connection
  • Improve the Functioning of the Endocrine Glands
  • Blood Sugar, & High Cholesterol Rollercoaster
  • Proteins the Building Blocks of Life
  • Three Horsemen of Aging: Oxidation, Inflammation, and Glycation

Includes a FREE 30-minute telephone or Zoom consultation, as well as PDF’s for all dietary, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations

Tickets are an investment of £100.00.

For more information see the Eventbrite page here:


To register either purchase tickets from Eventbrite ( or contact Joanne directly either at or on 07384 145654.