Standing Qi Gong 2017 Jan

Standing Qigong: Theory and Practice

Sunday 28th January 2018, 09:30-13:30


Qigong, as a generic practice, includes different styles of standing meditation. Why are they different? What are they for? What are they supposed to do? This session will look at the physical alignments, the applications of Ting and the effects we can expect from three different ‘types’ of standing practice. We will experience why different standing postures stimulate, activate and initiate different processes

Suitable for all as we will each control the length of time we stand in each practice session. 

Please call 01603 632555 or email Dinah for further info or to book. Cindy Engel is a highly experienced Qigong Teacher, to find out more about her visit

I found Qigong or it found me, I’m not sure. However, it is the start of a wonderful(and at times annoying and sickening) journey. Cindy is the perfect guide along this path. She blends the East and West, the science and the esoteric perfectly. An added bonus is that she is just the right kind of bonkers. A brilliant teacher.” Ben Grief (Science teacher, 2015)